General Information
Bhutan is best known to the world today as the last Shangrila. The few visitors who make the rare journey into this extraordinary kingdom will discover that there is no other destination like this land of pure and exotic mysticism. In this country known as Druk Yul, or the 'Land of the Peaceful Dragon', the fortunate visitor will find a rare combination of harmony and accord, amidst a landscape of incredible natural beauty
The Royal Government of Bhutan recognizes that tourism is a worldwide phenomenon and an important means of achieving socioeconomic development particularly for developing countries like Bhutan. It also recognizes that tourism, in affording the opportunity to travel, can help in promoting understanding among peoples and building closer ties of friendship based on appreciation and respect for different cultures and lifestyles
Towards achieving this objective, the Royal Government, since inception of tourism in the year 1974, has adopted a very cautious approach to growth and development of the tourism.. The Bhutanese tourism industry is based on principle of sustainability that is 'tourism must be environmentally and ecologically friendly, socially and culturally acceptable and economically viable'
Kuensel, Bhutan Observer and The Bhutan Times are the local newspapers published in English. Kuensel is also published in local language Dzongkha and Nepali
Radio and TV
Bhutan Broadcasting Service has programme in Dzongkha, English and Nepali. Television started in year 2000 and various channels are now available for the viewers such as BBC, CNN, Discovery, Star TV, ESPN etc

'Dzongkha', one of the Tibetan families of languages is Bhutan's national language. English is commonly spoken in main towns and also it is the medium of education in schools throughout the country
Detail Temperature Chart….. 
Distances and Driving Time between places of tourist interest
All mode of transport within Bhutan is by road and there are no domestic airlines and trains. The motor-able roads are well maintained and connect most of the places. However the mountainous terrain and winding road restrict the average driving speed of vehicle to about 35 KM per hour.
AVERAGE TEMPERATURE: - (In Degree Celsius)
Source: Meteorology Unit, Department of Power, Ministry of Trade and Industries, Thimphu, Telephone: 00975-2-323703