

Coaster Bus

Hice Bus

Santa Fe


 Eastern Car Rental Services

 Location: Tashigang 

Type of Car
Rate after 100 KM
(Charges in KM)
Rate before 100 KM
(Halt Charges)
Service Quality
Other Expenses
Land Cruiser
Rs. 50 Rs. 5000
As per
reservation and
booking made
based on client services

Rs. 45 Rs. 4500
Santa Fe
Rs.  25 Rs.  2500
Toyota Hilux
Rs. 30 Rs.  3000
Coaster Bus
Rs. 48 Rs. 4800
Rs. 25 Rs. 2500
Haice Bus 
Rs. 35Rs. 3500

Eastern Car Rental Service is a leading car rental service provider in Bhutan for both self-drive service and chauffeur-driven service. Car Rental Services has been a fast growing ground transportation service company in Bhutan and earning many awards throughout the years from the Government Official Guest. The company dedicates itself into car service and guests' reception, as well as the core business of providing top-grade business vehicles. The company has excellent human resources in administration and business management. The professional English speaking driver (or driver with English speaking guide) those are careful, courteous and highly trained by the Government of Bhutan and our representative will chauffeur you to take your destination quickly, safely and stress-free. For reservation and booking May kindly email us at bhutantraveler@gmail.com or contact, phone number +975 17451313