Bumdeling Wildlife Sanctuary

Bumdeling Wildlife Sanctuary is located in north-western part of Bhutan covering an area of 1,545 sq. km with 420 sq. km in Trashiyangtse, Lhuntshe, and Mongar District. It shares international borders with the Tibetan region of China and Indian border. The sanctuary is home to around 100 species of mammals, including globally endangered species such as snow leopard, Royal Bengal tiger and red panda. And also it is main habitant for Black Neck Crane in winter. In winter more than 150 black necked cranes spend their lives in winter in Bumdeling. The crane arrives in mid-November to early and first week of March back to Tibet. And the place is scenic beauty and diversity many significant religious and cultural places can be found inside the sanctuary, such as Rigsum Gompa, the mystic Singye Dzong and Pemaling– maybe the most scenic in the  country.