Sightseeing in Haa


Haa valley (Altitude lies between 2700 mtrs)

Start the day early for drive to Haa via Chele-la pass. 4 Km away at Bondey village the road to Haa diverts towards the right hand side and the climb up towards the chele-la pass starts. After driving through blue pine & rhododendron forest for 45 km, reach Chele-la pass (4200 meters). From this point one can have superb views of Mount. Chomolhari & Jichu Drakey. This is a very good place to walk around for few minutes enjoying the view. Drive on to Haa, descending all the way for another 22 km (under an hour’s drive), finally reaching Haa. The Haa Dzong is presently occupied by military, but the view from outside is stunning. After picnic lunch visit to the famous Monastery Lhakhang Karpo (White Temple) followed by visit to Lhakhang Nagpo (Black Temple). The central shrine in Lhakhang Nagpo is said to have no difference with that of Lhasa JOWO in Tibet. The construction of the Lakhang Karpo is believed to have been assisted by the locality. As a result the place came to be locally known as 'Hay' meaning' surprise' which later became 'Haa' due to the differences in interpretations and pronunciations of different people over time.

The three giant hills looming over the fringes of Haa valley were called 'Me Rig Puen Sum' especially after the incidence of the Lhakhang Kdarpo construction. Today the three hills are popularly known as 'Rig Sum Goenpa' signifying three deities-Jambayang Chana Dorji and Chenrizig.

Later, other Buddhist saints like Guru Rinpoche and 'Machi Labdorn' came to the Jungney Drag in Haa and blessed the locality. The principal religion followed is Drukpa Kagyud.
After the arrival of Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyel, the chief guardian deity of Haa became Ap Chundu.