Rangjung Town

Rangjung Woesel Chholing Monastery

Rangjung Woesel Cholling Monastery
Rangjung town is tiny town which was located in Eastern part of Bhutan under Tashigang District. It is about 18 km drive towards Northern part of Bhutan and town falls under the Shongphu Geog and Sakteng, Merak, Phongmay, Radhi and Bidung of five other Geog come to this town for shopping. In a small community people are very friendly and kind hearted. The language they speak is Sharchop. In the same town there is very famous and well known of the people of Bhutan and worldwide Monastery name call Rangjung Woesel Chholing Monastery.  The monastery was founded by His Eminence Dungsey Garab Dorje Rinpoche in the year 1989 with few monks and nuns. The objective of monastery is to provide a conducive haven for the study of Buddha dharma as expounded in the Dudjom New Treasure Lineage and carry out dharma activities for the benefit of the Buddhist community in and abroad the country. It has a flourishing community with branches monasteries and retreat centers. The Monastery traces its root to the Gelong Gonpa which was established by Rinpoche and H.H. Dungse Thinley Norbu Rinpoche his father. Gompa or Temple is situated in a mountainous region.
After H.H. Dungse Thinley Norbu Rinpoche departed from Bhutan, the Bhutanese fervently requested Rinpoche to remain and turn the dharma wheel of Dudjom New Treasure Lineage in the monastery. Rinpoche, realizing the deep faith and genuine devotion of the Bhutanese, accepted the heavy responsibility to continue the dharma activities and welfare services for the Buddhist fraternity living in and around the monastery.