Sightseeing in Bumthang


Bumthang has an individuality that charms its visitors and separates it from other regions. Comprising of four smaller valleys, the deeply spiritual region of Bumthang is shrouded in religious legend. Bumthang is also the traditional home to the great Buddhist teacher Pema Linga to whose descendants the present dynasty traces its origin.
Places of Interest in BUMTHANG
Jambey Lhakhang
This monastery was built in the 7th century by Tibetan King, Songtsen Gampo. It is one of the 108 monasteries built by him to subdue evil spirits in the Himalayan region. Its present architectural appearance dates from the early 20th century.

Kurje Lhakhang
Kurje Lhakhang consists of three temples. The one on the right was built in 1652 on the rack face where Guru meditated in the 8th century. Second temple is built on the site of a cave containing a rock with the imprint of Guru's body and is therefore considered the most holy. The third temple was built in 1990s by Ashi Kesang, the Queen Mother. These three temples are surrounded by a 108 chorten wall.

Tamshing Lhakhang
Located opposite Kurje Lhakhang on the other side of the river, this temple was founded in 1501 by TertonPema Lingpa, the re-incarnation of GuruPadsambhava. The monastery has very ancient religious paintings like 1,000 Buddha’s and 21 Taras (female form of Buddhistava). The temple was restored at the end of the 19th century.

Jakar Dzong
Founded by great grand-father of the first Shabdrung, the Dzong was initially built as a monastery in 1549. It was upgraded after the Shabdrung had firmly established his power in 1646. The Dzong is now used as administrative centre for Bumthang valley, and houses the regional monk body.
Excursions around BUMTHANG
Tangbi Goemba
An ten minutes drive towards north of Kurje Lhakhang leads to this monastery, founded in 1470 by Shamar Rinpoche of the Kagyupa religious school. The temple has two sanctuaries and a temple of terrifying deities. The sanctuary on the ground floor contains statues of past, present and future Buddha and three clay statues probably dating end of the 15th century. On the upper floor, the vestibule contains two remarkable paintings of Guru Rinpoche's heaven and the Buddha Amitabh's heaven.

Ngang Lhakhang
A few hours walk from the Tangbi Goemba is the small region of Ngang Yul (Swan Land) and this temple here is 100 m above the valley floor. The site was visited by Guru Rinpoche and present temple was built in the 15th century by Lama Namkha Samdup, a contemporary of Pema Lingpa. A three days festival is held here each winter with masked dances in honor of the founder of the temple.

This place is about five minutes walk from the road point towards Tang valley (Bumthang). Pema linga found several of Guru Rinpoche's hidden treasures here. A wooden bridge crosses the river and is a good vantage point to look down into the lake. The importance of this site is indicated by the extensive array of prayer flags and the small clay offering called 'tse tsa' in rock niches.

 Ura Valley
Jakar ot Ura is 48 km, about one and a half hour drive. To reach here, the road climbs to amazingly open countryside, only occasionally running into forest. Large sheep pastures line the road up to 20 km behind the southern tip of the Tang valley. The route crosses Ura la pass (3,600m) with a magnificent view of Mount. Gangkhar Puensum. Villages in Ura have clustered houses, which is quite unusual in Bhutan. Above Ura village (3,100m) is a new temple dedicated to Guru Rinpoche. Inaugurated in 1986, it contains a huge statue of the master and remarkable paintings of the cycle of his teachings. Since last 25 years Ura has been transformed from a marginal community to prosperous valley.




Coaster Bus

Hice Bus

Santa Fe


 Eastern Car Rental Services

 Location: Tashigang 

Type of Car
Rate after 100 KM
(Charges in KM)
Rate before 100 KM
(Halt Charges)
Service Quality
Other Expenses
Land Cruiser
Rs. 50 Rs. 5000
As per
reservation and
booking made
based on client services

Rs. 45 Rs. 4500
Santa Fe
Rs.  25 Rs.  2500
Toyota Hilux
Rs. 30 Rs.  3000
Coaster Bus
Rs. 48 Rs. 4800
Rs. 25 Rs. 2500
Haice Bus 
Rs. 35Rs. 3500

Eastern Car Rental Service is a leading car rental service provider in Bhutan for both self-drive service and chauffeur-driven service. Car Rental Services has been a fast growing ground transportation service company in Bhutan and earning many awards throughout the years from the Government Official Guest. The company dedicates itself into car service and guests' reception, as well as the core business of providing top-grade business vehicles. The company has excellent human resources in administration and business management. The professional English speaking driver (or driver with English speaking guide) those are careful, courteous and highly trained by the Government of Bhutan and our representative will chauffeur you to take your destination quickly, safely and stress-free. For reservation and booking May kindly email us at or contact, phone number +975 17451313

Rinchen Bumpa Monastery

Hike to Rinchen Bumpa Monastery in Kurtoe Dungkhar

About a two hours hike from the road to the sacred place name called Rinchen Bumpa, the Vase of Jewel.  Which is a fascinating and charming place located on the hill top of mountain side. It is very pleasing and mind-elevating place that makes ones hair stand on end at the instant one reaches the site. It is a place where the beings with karmic connection had attained accomplishment, a place where every beings pay homage and make offerings, and where sinful cleanse their defilement. The place where Guru Rinpoche lived for three months is located towards the west of Khen valley. The place was visited by Omniscient Longchen, Pedma Lingpa and was prophesized by great emanation RatnaLingpa.
There is a white cliff bearing the shape of stupa, (chorten) and many facial images of wrathful and peaceful Buddhas. There is a foot print of Yehsey Tshogyel and a possession of Moen Mo Tashi Khe-Doen and many other concealed treasures. A Lamp of Kalpa (aeon) is also there, a cave of Samten (meditation or concentration) and numbers of foot prints of Guru Rinpoche. There is Yeshey Tshogyel’s meditation cave called “point of a knife” and other meditation caves and caverns. The hill behind named “smile at sight” looks a lot like a heap of grain. Chagtshel Gang “a hill of prostration” and Lu len gang “a chanting hill” exist.
There is a place known to be a cremation ground, where, at the nightfall, all the eight classes of god and demon assemble. Vultures, carnivores in huge number gather. The river resounds “Hoo, Hung and Joo”. Eight classes of god and demon are said to be circumambulating. Hills and trees are bent towards it. As perceived by Terton Choeching Lingpa in a vision, there is the trident of Guru Padma Sambhava and the print of Kapala, the skull, the print of a fang of Ruta thrust downward. There are two foot prints of hero (pawo) and Dakini and much pleasurable display of spontaneously arisen images.
ü  Whoever makes feast offerings at this sacred site will attain the supreme taste of meditative stabilization.
ü  Offering of flower and incense will obtain beautiful body figure and sweet odor.
ü  Offering of scented water and makes sacrificial offerings will be rewarded with decent retinue and wealth.
ü  Offering of songs and music will have voice as pleasant as the melody of Brahma.

ü  Whosoever renders service to this sacred site will enjoy the pleasure of the Lord of Immense Wealth (Zambala) for countless number of lifetimes.

Rangjung Town

Rangjung Woesel Chholing Monastery

Rangjung Woesel Cholling Monastery
Rangjung town is tiny town which was located in Eastern part of Bhutan under Tashigang District. It is about 18 km drive towards Northern part of Bhutan and town falls under the Shongphu Geog and Sakteng, Merak, Phongmay, Radhi and Bidung of five other Geog come to this town for shopping. In a small community people are very friendly and kind hearted. The language they speak is Sharchop. In the same town there is very famous and well known of the people of Bhutan and worldwide Monastery name call Rangjung Woesel Chholing Monastery.  The monastery was founded by His Eminence Dungsey Garab Dorje Rinpoche in the year 1989 with few monks and nuns. The objective of monastery is to provide a conducive haven for the study of Buddha dharma as expounded in the Dudjom New Treasure Lineage and carry out dharma activities for the benefit of the Buddhist community in and abroad the country. It has a flourishing community with branches monasteries and retreat centers. The Monastery traces its root to the Gelong Gonpa which was established by Rinpoche and H.H. Dungse Thinley Norbu Rinpoche his father. Gompa or Temple is situated in a mountainous region.
After H.H. Dungse Thinley Norbu Rinpoche departed from Bhutan, the Bhutanese fervently requested Rinpoche to remain and turn the dharma wheel of Dudjom New Treasure Lineage in the monastery. Rinpoche, realizing the deep faith and genuine devotion of the Bhutanese, accepted the heavy responsibility to continue the dharma activities and welfare services for the Buddhist fraternity living in and around the monastery.

VISA Information

VISA Information

Visa is required for traveling to Bhutan. Following information along with full tour payment shall be emailed / faxed / couriered to us about 4 weeks prior to date of arrival in Bhutan, to process visa with the concerned authorities : Full Name, Permanent Address, Nationality, Date & Place of Birth, Profession / Occupation, Passport Number, Date of Issue, Place of Issue, Date of Expiry, Nature of Passport : Diplomatic / Official / Ordinary / UN Laissez Passer

On the basis of these information, visa is processed in Bhutan and upon approval, Visa Clearance is issued by Department of Immigration, Ministry of Home & Cultural Affairs, Royal Government of Bhutan and we email you the same copy. Tourists need to produce this Visa Clearance copy at the time of check-in for Druk Air flight while those entering Bhutan by surface via Phuentsholing, they are required to produce this Visa Clearance at the Immigration counter. Actual visa is stamped at passport, on arrival in Bhutan.

Visa fee is US $ 20 and Tourism development fee USD 10 which are charged along with tour cost.

Tourists entering Bhutan by surface via Phuentsholing also need to carry 02 copies of passport size photographs and handover it to our representative on arrival while for those arriving by Druk Airways, photos is not required.

Download VISA form here: Bhutan VISA


Tour Guide

Tour Guides

All our tours are escorted by well trained, knowledgeable guides who are certified by Tourism Council of Bhutan. We generally provide English speaking guides however the services of Japanese, French & German speaking guides can be provided with sufficient prior information and on an additional cost.

Culture Guide

Name of the Guide:   Tashi Penjor
Type of Guide:          Culture Guide 
License No:             TCB/2028/13
Specialist:               English Speaking Guide
For booking and reservation information email at



Items that are most frequently purchased by travelers to Bhutan include postage stamps, lovely hand-woven fabrics, carved masks, woven baskets, thangkhas, wooden bowls, handmade paper and finely-crafted metal objects. In Bhutan, the buying and / or selling of antiques is strictly forbidden.
MoneyBhutanese currency is Ngultrum (Nu.) and is officially pegged to the Indian Rupee. Also Indian Rupee is acceptable all over Bhutan except Rs. 500/- and Rs. 1000/- currency notes.Credit Cards have limited acceptability and payment through credit card is accepted mainly by Deluxe hotels and few selected Handicrafts establishments only.There are ATMs in Bhutan but currently they only operate with their respective Bhutanese banks. Since these ATMs currently do not function with outside banks, so ATM facility can not be used by visitors. Traveler's cheques / cash  are best option if you need additional money.Cash and Travelers Cheques exchange facility is available for most of the main currencies including the US dollar, Euro, Indian Rupee, Japanese Yen, Thai Baht, Pound Sterling, Swiss Franc, Hong Kong dollar, Canadian dollar, Australian dollar, Singapore dollar, Danish kroner, Norwegian kroner, and Swedish kroner. Exchange rates vary.It is also possible to have funds wired with the services of Western Union but funds cannot be accessed in all locations, and are limited in amounts and days of availability.


Bhutan’s landscape, buildings and people are some of the most photogenic in the world. While photographic local people, it is always better to take permission first. There are certain places such as monasteries and temples, where photography is prohibited however there is no restriction on Photographing Dzongs and Goembas from outside. If you are uncertain about whether or not photography is permitted, please check with your local Guide. You should refrain from taking pictures of military installations.

Customs and Immigration

Paro Dzong

Customs and immigration

Visitors are required to fill up the Custom Form and hand over to concerned authorities on arrival. Following articles are exempted from duty:-

a) Personal affects and articles for day to day use by the visitor

b) 2 liters of alcohol, 400 cigarettes, 150 grams of pipe tobacco

c) Instruments, apparatus or appliances for professional use

d) Photographic equipment, video cameras and other electronic goods for personal use.

The articles mentioned under c & d). Must be declared in Custom Form and If such items disposed off in Bhutan by sale of gift, they are liable for custom duty.

Import and Export of following goods are strictly prohibited:-

a) Arms, ammunitions, explosives and military stores

b) All narcotics and drugs except medically prescribed drugs

c) Wildlife products, especially those of endangered species

d) Antiques

Also visitors are advised to be cautious in purchasing old and used items. Custom authorities will not allow any old / used items to be taken out of the country if they have not been certified as non-antiques. Imports of plants, soils etc. are subject to quarantine regulations. These items must be cleared on arrival.

Health Information

Health Information

No vaccination is currently required for entry into Bhutan. However if you are arriving from an area infected with yellow fever, you are required to have a yellow fever vaccination
If you are arriving from Cholera infected area then officials may ask for evidence of Cholera vaccination. Anti-malarial medication is recommended for all travelers to Bhutan who is visiting rural areas in the districts that border India
It is suggested that you assemble a traveler's medical kit appropriate to destination, length of trip and general health. On a tour in Bhutan, there are long drives, and roads are winding so medication for motion sickness is strongly suggested. You should also pack an adequate supply of any prescribed medications you may require while traveling
Travelers who plan to visit Bhutan should consult a physician about high-altitude travel. After a brief period of acclimatization, most people do not suffer from altitude sickness; but elderly travelers or those with high blood pressure or heart conditions need to exercise caution at high altitudes

Special Events

Government Holidays and Special Events
Winter Solstice
02 Jan
Traditional Day of Offering
09 Jan
Losar, Bhutanese New Year
08, 09 Feb
Birth Anniversary of His Majesty, the fifth King
21, 22 & 23 Feb
Shabdrung Kuchoe, Birth Anniversary of the Shabdrung
15 April
Birthday of the Third King
02 May
Lord Buddha's Parnirvana
19 May
Birthday of Guru Rimpoche, Trindha Tshechu
12 July
First Sermon of Lord Buddha
05 August
09 Oct
Descending Day of Lord Buddha
19 Nov
Birth Anniversary of His Majesty the fourth King
11 Nov
National Day of Bhutan
17 Dec

List of Dzongs, Monasteries, Festivals, open for visitors
Not all religious institutions are open for visitors but still they get good insight into Kingdom's unique cultural heritage. The closure of religious establishments is to ensure that monastic life can continue unhindered and works of art can be protected and sanctity of such places can be preserved.
Western Bhutan
Paro: Ta Dzong (National Museum), Drukgyel Dzong, Bitekha Dzong (en route to Haa valley), Taktsang Monastery (view from Tourist cafeteria), Paro Tshechu
Thimphu: Trashichhoedzong, Memorial Chorten, Changlimethang Lhakhang and Jigmeling Lhakhang, Thimphu Tshechu
Punakha: Punakha Dzong (open in summer months when monks are in Thimphu), Punakha Dromche
Wangduephodrang: Wangduephodrang Tsechu, Wangduephodrang Dzong
Central Bhutan
Bumthang: Jakar Dzong, Wangduechholing Dzong, Member Tsho,Peling Sermon Chorten, Ura new Lhakhang, Kurje Tsechu, Nemalung Tsechu, Tamshing Phala Choepa, Tangbi Mani, Jambey Lhakhang Drup, Prakar Tsechu
Trongsa: Chendbji Chorten, Ta Dzong, Trongsa Tsechu
Eastern Bhutan
Mongar: Mongar Dzong, Mongar Tsechu
Trashigang: Trashigang Tsechu, Zangtho Pelri, Kanglung Lhakhang, Khaling Lhakhang, Radhi Lhakhang, Trashiyangtse Dzong
Samdrup Jongkhar: Zangtho Pelri Lhakhang
Phuentsholing: Kharbandi Goemba, Kamji Monastery, Zangtho Pelri Lhakhang

General Information

General Information
Bhutan is best known to the world today as the last Shangrila. The few visitors who make the rare journey into this extraordinary kingdom will discover that there is no other destination like this land of pure and exotic mysticism. In this country known as Druk Yul, or the 'Land of the Peaceful Dragon', the fortunate visitor will find a rare combination of harmony and accord, amidst a landscape of incredible natural beauty
The Royal Government of Bhutan recognizes that tourism is a world-wide phenomenon and an important means of achieving socioeconomic development particularly for developing countries like Bhutan. It also recognizes that tourism, in affording the opportunity to travel, can help in promoting understanding among peoples and building closer ties of friendship based on appreciation and respect for different cultures and lifestyles
Towards achieving this objective, the Royal Government, since inception of tourism in the year 1974, has adopted a very cautious approach to growth and development of the tourism.. The Bhutanese tourism industry is based on principle of sustainability that is 'tourism must be environmentally and ecologically friendly, socially and culturally acceptable and economically viable'
News Paper
Kuensel, Bhutan Observer and The Bhutan Times are the local news papers published in English. Kuensel is also published in local language Dzongkha and Nepali
Radio and TV
Bhutan Broadcasting Service has programme in Dzongkha, English and Nepali. Television started in year 2000 and various channels are now available for the viewers such as BBC, CNN, Discovery, Star TV, ESPN etc

'Dzongkha', one of the Tibetan families of languages is Bhutan's national language. English is commonly spoken in main towns and also it is the medium of education in schools throughout the country
Detail Temperature Chart….. (Read more)
Distances and Driving Time between places of tourist interest
All mode of transport with in Bhutan is by road and there are no domestic airlines and trains. The motor-able roads are well maintained and connect most of the places. However the mountainous terrain and winding road restrict the average driving speed of vehicle to about 35 KM per hour.
AVERAGE TEMPERATURE: - (In Degree Celsius)
Source: Meteorology Unit, Department of Power, Ministry of Trade and Industries, Thimphu, Telephone: 00975-2-323703


Food and Drinks
Bhutanese food is generally good. Set meals for travelers tend to be on the bland side, because local food is heavily seasoned with red chilies and can be quite hot. Most hotels provide meals buffet-style. There are usually continental, Indian, Chinese and Bhutanese dishes. The food in hotels is often the best in town, but in main towns now there are few restaurants increasingly becoming popular. All tourist hotels have good selection of international and Bhutanese beverages.
Food provided during tour is quite elaborate and generally consists of followings:
On Cultural Tour
BREAKFAST; Canned juice with choice of orange, mango, pineapple, apple etc, Porridge/cornflakes/cereals, Fresh fruits, Sausages/bacon, Toast, butter and Jam, Eggs, Tea/coffee

LUNCH; Salad, Rice, 2 Non-vegetable items, 2 Vegetable items, Roti/Nan, Desert, Tea/Coffee
DINNER; Soup, Salad, Rice, Noodles, 2 Non-vegetable items, 2 Vegetable items, Desert, Tea/Coffee
EVENING TEA; Tea/Coffee, Cookies/sandwich, Biscuits/pasteries
On Trek
BREAKFAST; Canned juice with choice of orange, mango, pineapple, apple etc., Porridge/cornflakes/cereals, Fresh fruits, Sausages/bacon, Eggs, Tea/Coffee
LUNCH; Vegetable cutlet/sandwich/boiled potato, Chicken roast/roast beef, Boiled eggs, Roti/Naan, Fresh fruits, Canned juice, Boiled drinking water
DINNER; Soup, Salad, Rice, Noodles, 2 Non-vegetable items, 2 Vegetable items, Desert, Tea/Coffee
EVENING TEA: Tea/Coffee, Cookies/sandwich, Biscuits
Even though the locals drink water straight from the tap, we suggest visitors to drink only bottled water. On treks, we provide boiled and filtered water. A reasonable variety of both hard and soft drinks are available in hotels, restaurants and shops in most towns. Many Bhutanese enjoy drinking traditional homemade alcoholic brews made from wheat, millet or rice.
* Bhutan is the only country in the world to totally ban the import and sale of all tobacco products. You can bring in a reasonable amount of cigarettes for personal consumption, but you will be charged an import duty of 100%. Smoking is banned in all public places including restaurants and bars.


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Clothing and Accessories
Comfortable clothing and sturdy, soft-soled shoes are essential for travel in Bhutan. Warm clothing is recommended; and except for summer months, down jackets and woolen sweaters are suggested. In summer, heavy cottons and lightweight woolens will be acceptable. Altitudinal differences account for a wide range of temperatures from day to night the year round. It is, therefore, suggested that clothing be layered so that you can adapt to the changing conditions.
While visiting temples and other religious places, you will need to dress conservatively. Slacks are more appropriate for men; and longer-length skirts are more appropriate for women. Shoulders must also be covered when inside religious buildings. Please keep in mind that shoes must be removed when entering temples. It is, therefore, suggested that you carry a pair of socks to wear inside religious buildings.
The items you should carry for this trip are: clothes as per season, sunglasses / spare glasses, pair of casual shoes, hat, umbrella, camera, films and accessories, insect repellent, hand cream, small sewing kit & safety pins, torch or flash light with spare batteries, mirror, scissor, sun cream, lip salve or soluble aspirin, antiseptic cream, anti-histamine cream, anti-diarrhea pills, a preparation for the relief of sunburn.
Camping Equipment Whilst on a trek
Whilst trekking you are provided with foam mats but we recommend you bring  a self-inflating mat pack called Thermarest.  This packs up small but when inflated gives very good insulation and is more comfortable than a single closed-cell foam mat.  We do not recommend you bring an airbed.
You should also bring your Sleeping bags which should be 4-seasons bags as the temperature will decrease especially at 4,000m camp sites.
Other useful items
It would be prudent to bring all essential items from home; razor blades (or battery operated shaver), toothpaste, shampoo, make-up etc., insect repellent, soap, alarm clock, binoculars, torch, sunscreen, sufficient reading material and plenty of batteries for all electrical appliances.
Laundry service is available in most of the hotels at main destinations. However, it is advisable to check the hotel's individual laundry return policy and pricing schedule before choosing to have laundry done at a hotel.