Semo Pema Yudron 🌹

Parinirvana anniversary of Semo Pema Yudron 🌹
March 9, 2021

"Lotus of Turquoise Light', is one of the daughters of SS Kyabje Jigdrel Yeshe Dorje Dudjom Rinpoche and of his first wife  Sangyum Kusho Tseten Yudron.

 According to Thinley Norbu Rinpoche  in his book "A brief fantasy story of a Himalayas" Shambhala editions, 2014, page 12, he commented of his younger sister Semo Pema Yudron  :

“She looked like an angel princess who had just descended from heaven. I thought that if the drought of human aging did not exist, she would always be the thief of every hero's heart."

She is considered as a Dakini or Khandro (mkha '' gro) she was the youngest daughter or semo (sras mo) of SSKyabje Dudjom Jigdral Yeshe Dorje Rinpoche and  Mayum Tseten  Yudrön  (in Spanish: Turquoise Lamp of the steady life)  (tshe brtan g. yu sgron, 1904-1982).

They had seven children, four sons, and three daughters: 

1. Semo Dechen Yudron (mrs mob de chen g. Yu sgron, 1930-2007), who stayed in Lhasa and then went to Lama Ling. 

2. Dungse Thinle Norbu Rinpoche (gdung sras phrin las nor bu, 1931-2011), who went to India, Bhutan and settled in the USA. 

3. Dola Tulku Jigme Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche (mdo bla sprul sku 'jigs med chos kyi nyi ma, 1931-2000), father of the current Dudjom Yangsi III Sangye Pema Shepa Rinpoche, reincarnation of SS Dudjom Rinpoche. Tulku Dola Rinpoche who stayed in Qinghai, China. 

4. Semo Pema Yudrön (ms mo pad + ma g.yu sgron, 1935-2021). He was born in the hidden land of Pemakö in 1935

5. Phende Norbu Rinpoche (phan lde ni bur in po che, 20 th cent.), Who settled in Nepal.

6. Se Dorje Palzang (mrs rdo rje dpal bzang, -1960), who was assassinated during the cultural revolution. 

7. Tsering Yangchen (tshe ring yang chen, 1929-1936), who died in  Tibet when he was young. 

Pema Yudrön was born in the hidden land of Pemakö. Since she was young, she was naturally gifted with uncontrolled faith, great intelligence, and loving-kindness. Totally beautiful and gentle, she was renowned for having all the makings of an excellent and sheer Dakini.

At Dudjom Rinpoche's house known as Lama Ling or fully Mor Lama Ling Namdrol Chöling (bla ma gling rnam grol chos gling) in Kongpo, he completed his basic training in reading, writing and the basic sciences with various great professionals such as Doring Tulku Rinpoche and Chogtrul Orgyen Demchog. 

In 1947, Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö recognized her as an emanation of the wisdom of the Dakini Dorje Phagmo. 

After having received the empowerments, the reading of the transmission, the instructions, and the essential instructions of the Dudjom Treasure teachings, he devoted his entire life to studying and practicing those teachings and other Dzogchen instructions. 

Thus, she lived the life of a hidden yogini or bepa'i  naldjorma (sbas pa' i rnal 'byor ma), being happy with few resources, and completely centered in the natural state of Dzogpachenpo.

Together with his older sister Khandro Semo Dechen Yudrön (mkha '' gro sras mob de chen g. Yu sgron) he resided in their house in Lama Ling, He celebrated every year a great party offering Machig Tröma Nagmo, The Black Black Black Single Mother. While Dechen Yudr ön and her husband rebuilt the temple at Lama Ling (bla ma gling phyag 'debs ma), which was destroyed by an earthquake in the 1930s. 

Before the construction was finished, SS Dudjom Rinpoche offered the funds for the remaining reconstruction and for the local people whose houses were also destroyed by the calamity. In fact, the story tells that SS had a premonition, and gave the order to distribute the money the night before the earthquake, to the consternation and disbelief of the treasurer, since they had  made a great celebration for the completion of the first part of the temple . 

Khandro Pema Yudrön , on the evening of the twenty-fifth day of the first month of miracles in the Tibetan year of the iron ox in 2012, March 6, sponsored an extensive feast offering Machig Tröma Nagmo, theBlackAngry Mother . Afterward, he prepared general offerings for the Lama Ling Temple in commemoration of his father and Supreme Master Dudjom Rinpoche. 

In the early morning of March 9, 2021, she advised those around her:

"Do not worry or be disappointed. There is no need to seek my reincarnation. All of you feeling a connection with me in the practice of guru yoga and reciting its mantra, being inseparable from the wisdom of the Dakini. Continually remain practicing with pure devotion. and sincere motivation, the Heart of Bodhicitta "

At 6:20, her wisdom mind dissolved into the Pure Expansion of Ultimate Reality.

On April 6, 2021, Dudjom Yangsi Rinpoche III Sangye Pema Shepa and Dola Chogtrul Yangsi Rinpoche presided over her cremation at Xie Wu Monastery. 

May Semo quickly return it for the  benefit of sentient beings!"

Via Samuel Long