Short biography of Current Yangsi of HE Sakten Trulku

His Eminence Sakten Trulku was born in 1980 in Sakten village under Trashigang Dzongkhang. His father is Kezang Dorji and mother Rinchen Tshomo. 

Trulku was recognized as the 12th reincarnation of Terton King Guru Chowang (Guru Chokyi Wangchuk) and the 5th Pema Gyalpa at the age of five.

From age  four Trulku started his  study from his grandfather and in 1987 joined  Sakteng Primary School. That period Sakteng Primary School was started for the  first time in Sakteng. Trulku competed sixth standard at the age of 11, who then realized to join Buddhahood and in 1991, Trulku started his Buddhist studies in Trashigang Dzong and studied Garthing Yangsum with great dedication.

After completing six years of monastic education in Trashigang, Trulku joined Tango Buddhist College, and obtained Master Degree in Buddhist Philosophy. 

Upon completion in 2006, he was appointed as Denzen Lama (Chief of the Monastery) of Sakten by His Holiness 70th Je Khenpo Trulku Jigme Choeda (Chief Abbot of Bhutan).

After serving three years as Denzen Lama at Sakten, His Eminence entered into three years of meditation (Losum Chesum) at Cheri Monastery, which is adjacent to Tango Monastery.

Having completed three years of vigorous meditation in 2012, His Eminence was appointed as Principal of Sakten Monastery, the post that he continues to hold today.

His Eminence received innumerable teachings; transmissions and empowerments from highly accomplished Buddhist Great Masters, which includes:

·      Complete set of Kargyud Teachings from His Holiness 68th Je Khenpo Jetsun Tenzin Dondup, which includes Chag-Cheen (Mahamudra), Naro Choedrug (Six Cycless of Yoga Ro-Nyom Kordrug), Lama Drupa and Wang-Lung-Trisum.

·      Pelden Drukpai Wang-Lung-Trisum from His Holiness 70th Je Khenpo Trulku Jigme Choeda.

·      Dho-Nga, Rig-Zhung, Riney and Zhungchen Chusum (13 text of of Buddhist Philosophy) from His Eminence Tsugla Lopen Rinpoche, Lopen Tshering Dorji and Lopen Khandu.

·      Wang-Lung Trisum from His Eminence Dorji Lopen Sonam Gyamtsho Rinpoche.

.       Wang-Lung Thrisum from Gyaltshen Trulku Rinpoche.

         Zheng Rekney from Khenpo Karma Rangdrol, Khenpo Rinzin Wangchuck and Khenpo Phurpa Dorji.

Having received many teachings from great masters, His Eminence imparts teachings on Zhung Riney among many others.

Currently His Eminence teaches monks at Sakten Monastery, however, His Eminence is wilful to teach anyone who has the desires to listen to the teachings of Buddha. 

His Eminence is so much engrossed in propagating Buddha Dharma and dedicates his service to the benefits of all sentient beings.

He is highly reincarnated master of Drukpa Kargued tradition of Vajrayana Buddhism.