How and Why Bhutan Came to Worship the Phallust

In a remote corner of the world, lies the ancient landlocked Kingdom of Bhutan. Surrounded by the mighty Himalayas and bordering India and China, this Buddhist country is often referred to as the Last Shangri-La or the Land of the Thunder Dragon. In this obscure kingdom, the erstwhile capital city of Punakha continues to fiercely practice an age-old tradition of worshipping the most intriguing of objects: the phallus.

After this introduction to Bhutan, his travels across the kingdom revealed to him the strict ways of the clergy and their unwavering adherence to orthodox societal norms. With a pledge to rid the people of their conventional ways, he set out to spread the true teachings of Buddha. His philandering ways and the sexual overtones in his often outlandish actions earned him the nickname The Divine Madman. With his bawdy poetry, titillating humour and wine-induced sermons, he deliberately shocked people into questioning the establishment and overthrowing traditions.