Yangner Chorten in Tashigang

Trip to Yangner in Tashigang Dzongkhag

Yangner gewog centre is located on the hill top of  opposite to Tashigang town. It’s about 17 km drive towards north west of Tashigang. The recently road has been black top till gewog centre and people are much more easier and convenient to travel. Two years back people of yangner has built wonderful chorten/stupa 2 km away from the gewog centre. Local people they called as second Bodhgaya. 

Trip to Thongrong in Tashigang

Trip to Thongrong with the team of Ministry of Labour. DECEMBER 9TH, 2017

Thongrong is an small community village which is driving distance of 27 km from Rangjung, Tashigang and its about one hour forty five minutes towards the Sakten. The people of Thongrong village falls under Phongmey Gewog which is more than 47 house holds at present and the language they speak is called Brami which is semi-highlanders.  Over 70 acres of farmland belonging to 47 households of remote village in Thongrong in Phongmey, Trashigang were brought under the first sustainable land management practices (SLMP) which was held in 18th June, 2015. Thanks to the Government, very recently access with farm road more than 47 households are helpful. 

Trip to Sakten

Trip to Sakten with the team of Ministry of Labour on dated December 13th, 2017.

The trip to Sakten was memorable which is about 51 km (3 hrs)  driving distance towards the border of Indian Arunachal Pradesh to the  east of Trashigang at an altitude of 3,000 m above sea level. The most eastern region of the remote Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan depends for its livelihood almost entirely on sheep and Yak. This nomadic or Brokpas community has maintained its own unique dialect, dress and culture. This nomadic or Brokpas land has recently opened its door to outsiders so they might share their culture, natural resources and scenic beauty.
The road ends up to Thakthri and started our trekking through Rodhadendron and cheer pine forest its about two and half hours to moderate trek within the Sakten Wildlife Sanctuary area. It consists of typical diversity of Himalayan terrestrial ecosystems, combining alpine meadow, temperate forest, and warm broadleaf forest; 203 species of plants, 119 species of birds and 18 species of mammals have been confirmed as mentioned by forest official of Sakten.

Trip to Pemagatshel

Dated. 10th September, 2017. Trip to Pemagatshel with two expertise from Punjab, Regarding Machinery installation in Chongshing Gewog, under Pemagatshel Dzongkhag. 

Village of Merak

Merak is an small Village lies on northern part of Tashi Dzongkhag which is 51 km driving distance from small town Rangjung it's about 3-4 hours driving distance and lies altitude of 3300 metres above the sea level.
Merak is one of the remort Gewog in Tashigang Dzongkhag, people are depend on Yaks and Cows, there main income is butter and Cheese. And also people called as Brokpa (Nomadic). 


Zeythey/Yosha for Sale@600 per kg
Location: All Bhutan
Services: Door services in Thimphu
Zethey/Yosha from: Merak and Sakten
Contact Person: Tashi la, 17451313
Wechat ID: APP-SHYLOGUE or 17653006
WhatsApp Number: ±975-17653006

For more details and information may call us in the above number 17451313 at any time. Our services to party, phone lines and Internet services will be open 24 hours.


Trip to Merak

Dated: 21st August, 2017. Gathered and lunch hosted by local people during the festival. 

Trip to Merak

Dated: 22nd August, 2017. People of Merak Gewog in Tashigang Dzongkhag witness the Acho Lhamoi Cham in Merak during the Community Festival. 

Galing Community Festival

On dated 11/03/2017; Exploring the festival at Galing Gewog in Tashigang, 1st day festival was not that perform well because of shower whole day and end up 2 more days with fine weather.

Venue: Galing Lakhang, even provide meals from the community and no other charges except electric bill Nu. 50 per day.

Cotton Candy Sale at Tashiyangtse

On dated 06/03/2017. Drive from Rangjung to Tashiyangtse to sale the cotton candy with paying 3000.00 to vehicle hire charges and we could sale only for one day another 2 more days could not sale because of electric power, which was under maintenance at Kurichu Dam, Kelikhar, Nangkor and Kanglung. Other point is very low voltage of electric power and couldnot make it in the evening. In the evening of last day we came back to Rangjung in late night with fare of Taxi sum of Nu. 2500.00

First year birth day celebration of Gasey

February 05, 2017. Is one of the most special day in the history of Bhutan. It is the first completed year since we Bhutanese are bleesed with Royal Birth of Gyalsey, Our Crown Prince Jigme Namgyel who will carry  forward our dreams of a profoundly loving, caring and compassionate King like his Father, Grand Father and Forefathers. Long lives Gyalsey, Gyalpo, Gyltsen and Royal Family. "HAPPY BIRTH DAY Gyalsey" Our deepest love, respect and gratitude to Gyalsey.
By Dr. Samdrup

Pema Choden admission to school

3rd February, 2017, My eldest daughter which was 6 years old, Pema Choden goes to school admission in Rangjung Lower Secondary School, Tashigang from Radhi, Jonlapam (10 minutes walk). 

GNH Bhutan

With full swing of laugh motion, Jokes and make creatives celebrated Dawai Chunynipai Losar by the group of women in Radhi, Tashigang Dzongkhag on 29th January, 2017, 2nd Day of Traditional Day of Offering. Its real GNH of Bhutan. 

Farmer in China

Farmer of China already in the field which is first time seeing ploughing with one bull. 

Dawai Chuynipai Losar

28th January, 2017. Daw Chunynipai Losar which was memorable meeting with Families gathered huge and celebrated as a "HAPPY NEW YEAR" in Radhi, Tashigang. 

Moenlam Chenmo in Samdrup Jongkhar

30th January, 2017. His Holiness Je Khenpo is presiding over the 3rd Moenlam Chenmo in Samdrup Jongkhar. The week long prayer ceremony has been began from 30th January, 2017. Over thousands of decotees attending the prayer ceremony. The prayer ceremony will be conclude on 6th February, 2017 with the Throm Wang to the public.

Royal Bhutan Lottery Limited

Royal Bhutan Lottery Limited was offically launched by Hon'ble Finance Minister on 8th April, 2016 in Phuntsholing. His Excellency, Hon'ble Prime Minister, Lyonchen Tshering Tobgay launched Royal Bhutan Lottery Limited's first Domestic monthly paper lottery "PHUENSUM DHARIM" on 3rd November 2016.

Guinness world Record

2nd June, 2015. A team of 100 Volunteers in Bhutan has set a new world record planting 49,672 trees in one hour. The previous record by almost 10,000 trees and it has been set by the Indian team three years ago.
Bhutan's planters gathered in the Capital, Thimphu for their feat, which GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS.

Patang to Gewog Thrizin

On 17th December, 2016 National Day was celebrated in Trongsa, Bhutan. His Majesty The King awarded the Patang to Thrizins. The Patang were granted in recognition of the important role local Government plays in achieving the development goals of the country.

Khenpo Karpo

At 9am on 27th of February, 2017 holy body of Khenpo Karpo Rimpochhe arrived Bhutan from Bangkok by Druk Air.

Daw Chunynipa Losar (New Year)

On dated 28th January 2017. His Majesty the King Join the Archery match Daw Chuynipai Losar celebrations at Samdrup Jongkhar. Chunynipai Losar celebrated as the NEW YEAR by the people of Eastern Bhutan.

Jigme Dorji Wangchuck National Park


With an area of 4,349 sq. km, the Jigme Dorji National Park is the largest protected area in Bhutan. It is one of the most biologically rich areas in the Eastern Himalayan region, and stretches from warm broad-leaved forests to remain the permanent ice fields and glaciers on Bhutan’s north-western border.
The monsoon rains and a varied topographical gradient, from just over 1,000 meters to more than 7,000 meters above sea level, account for this rich plant and animal diversity.
Sacred peaks such as Jomolhari, Tsherimgang and Jichu Drakey are prominent landmarks in the park. Glaciers and glacial lakes are interspersed in the mountains forming important head waters for some of Bhutan’s main rivers.
The alpine region houses numerous flowers such as the national flower blue poppy, edelweiss, orchids and rhododendrons among many others.
Charismatic animal species like the Snow Leopard, Takin, Tiger, Black Bear, Blue Sheep and Red Panda inhabit the forests and mountains of the park. This may be the only place in the world where the Royal Bengal tiger and snow leopard habitats overlap. Most of Bhutan’s most popular trekking routes can be found inside the Jigme Dorji National Park.


Half way to Ombha Nye 
Ombha Nye
It was 5th September 2014, the trip was organized by NBC, Bhutan (National Biodiversity Center) was the first researcher team made to Ombha Nye, Tashiyangtse under Tedtsoe Geog. The Team was lead by Dy. Chief of NBC, Bhutan Mr. Rinchen Dorji and followed by Mr. Rinzin Choney from Wengkhar, Research Center in Mongar, as most of the Team was first visit to Ombha Nye. Having begun our day started from Kheney Geog Center, the journey started with good objective, prayers and hope whereby it also turned out to be a productive trip.

The long journey seemed so exhausting and tiresome. Our feet thump bravely through rocky deciduous forest mostly covered with different species of trees. Several times, I toss and turn, trapped in the kind of nightmares that make us hot while the distant river or some primal drum beats a constant rhythm to a fitful dream. And before we made to the topmost Temple, Caretaker guided us and took us for explanations about the Temple.  

It says the letter “Om” is located in Ombha Ney, which means the sacred place of hidden “Om” in Tashiyangtse. It is a legendary place since 8th century where Guru Rinpoche visited Bhutan to subdue the demons and spread Buddha Dharma. It is one of the many places in Bhutan which is blessed and considered a sacred site because Bhutanese believes that there is not even a horse’s hoof size land area in Bhutan where Guru Rinpoche did not visit to bless. Ombha Ney is one of the many unexplored Nyes in Bhutan due to inaccessibility.

It is said that Guru Rinpoche has kept his prophecy for the wellbeing of the future sentient beings during different materialistic times by blessing three most sacred religious sites based on the three letters of his Dharma. They are ‘Om’, ‘Aa’ and ‘hung’.
The letter ‘Om’ which means wisdom body is located in Teodtso Gewog under Tashi Yangtse Dzongkhag, ‘Aa’ (Wisdom Speech) is located in Aaja in Sherimuhung in Mongar Dzongkhag and ‘Hung’(Wisdom Mind) can be seen at Hungdrel in Paro Dzongkhag. According to a legendary, those three places are so connected spiritually and are equally sacred and blessed at the same time by Guru Rinpoche though we can only view them at very different places far from each other.

The trip was perhaps 36 kilometers from Tashigang till a place called Tsangpochen in Tashi Yangtse. From Duksum( place where three trails meet) ,Tsangpochen is a 45 minute drive and from there  no motor able road and then we had to walk for about 2-3 hours towards places named Sep and Jangphutse village through a narrow and gentle sloped route without much climbing. After passing by some villages there, we were at Ombha village and the Nye place was just a fifteen minutes climb up the hill. Once at Ombha Nye, a lhakhang and statue of Guru Rinpoche greet the eyes. The traditional architectural structural where hovering on a solid rocky cliff. All the students were totally exhausted but became energetic again after a delicate lunch at a homely place there.

The Nye is huddled on a bottom of rocky mountain beneath Jangphutse. Upon asking the koenyer(caretaker) he said the Om refers to the wisdom body of Guru Rinpoche and that Ombha Nye was first revealed as a sacred Nye by some descendants of Guru Choewang. It is believed that Guru Rinpoche came to Ombha Nye following his vision which he professed in Monyuel Shao Taktshang in Arunachel Pradesh. Guru Rinpoche as prophesied trailed to Ombha Nye to subdue a snake demon that tormented people in Toedtsho. Later the treasurer of Terton Pema Lingpa has also blessed the place and then his granddaughter named Ani Choeten Zangmo also spent sometimes there in meditation. So he said that it is a must for us to visit such place once in our lifetime.

The place is made up of massive rock and the letter ‘Om’ can be actually viewed imprinted on the rock surface. Besides the holy inscriptions on the mountain, there were other sacred sites like Chortens on the rocks, hat, cave Guru Rinpoche meditated and walking stick, hand and footprints of Guru himself. It is believed that one can rinse away all the sins committed if we go through the narrow tracks inside the rocks there. According to legendary Guru Rinpoche blessed the place when he was in pursuit of Yong alias Geygnen Choephel guardian deity of Gomphu Kora. So today, it is believed that the local deity is residing there to protect every people and animal of that place. We came to know other sacred places nearby such as a place called ‘Gongza’ located at about few distance walk down from there. The name was actually known as ‘Gong Ja’ whereby Guru spent duration of having tea.
As the valley got into paddy cultivation and chilly gloominess, we started and continued our Journey towards Jangphutse which is about half hour walk from the Lakhang/Temple evening breeze of Yangtse Valley. The long tiring day made everybody in bad condition when we reached to the Kheney Geog lately but every step, every bead of sweat and every single discomfort we endured purified our minds and rewarded manifold. Therefore, it was indeed an enlightening, learning and adventurous trip was fabulously.

13 Arts and Crafts of Bhutan

1.      Painting (lhazo)
Traditionally, practiced by both men and women with a religious background and as all the art and dedications were religious.  Painting follows strict iconographic rules was mostly done on cloth for murals and banners (Thangka) with mineral pigments but since the 1980s, synthetic colors are used and auspicious motives adorn the outside walls and woodwork of buildings and houses.
2.      Sculpture (Jimzo)
Bhutanese are famous for the quality and the intricacy of their clay sculpture, representing deities and religious figures. The most renowned craftsmen come from Heyphu Monastery (Neyphu) in Paro valley and have worked the world over.
The quality of the image also comes from the mixture of clay and other materials such as paper, used. The mixing ad beating of clay is done by hand and then the artist on a bamboo or light wood framework shapes the image.
Pottery is most of the time included under sculpture although the daily utensils have a simple shape.
3.      Carving (Parzo)
It includes slate carving, stone carving and woodcarving, the latter being the most practiced. While stone-carving is hardly practiced in Bhutan except prayers on rocks, bas-relief slate carvings of deities or of mantras were widely used on mani-walls, chortens and round the Dzongs central towers.
Although ancient masks were sometimes made of papier maché, it was a time consuming technique, which has been abandoned. Masks today are made in wood, mostly blue pine, and then painted. They represent the different deities appearing in the mask dances, as well as theatsara (jester).
Wood carving for printing purposes, called xylography, is extremely important and requires a great dexterity as well as a properly oiled woodblock. Woodcarving is also done on windows, pillars, and capitals and is one of the arts where Bhutanese excel with very simple tools.
4.      Calligraphy (yigzo)
Before woodblocks were introduced as a printing technique, probably in the 14th century, all the religious texts and official documents were written by hand. Calligraphy is therefore an ancient form of art and a scribe has to have six qualities in his writing: perfect shape, uniformity, legibility, speed, spelling and proportions.
In Bhutan there are different styles of scripts derived from the Tibetan script: uchenumey but the most used is called jyuyig, an elegant cursive.
Also present are the ornamental scripts, such as the Lantsa and the Vartu, derived from Indian alphabets. Before writing on paper, which was expensive, scribes trained on wooden planks covered with chalk.

5.      Paper-making (Shogzo)
Paper is produced from the Daphne and edgeworthia shrubs. It is a lengthy and time-consuming process. The shredded bark is boiled in a large vat before being reduced into pulp and then spread onto a bamboo net. This paper is called tshar shog and is thick, darkish and strong. If the pulp is spread onto a cotton cloth, then the paper is called reshog and is whitish and thinner then the large sheets (A3 size) are dried in the sun and smoothen. Generally these handmade papers are very strong and cannot tear easily.
The sheets were used to write religious texts, official documents but also to wrap objects and were bartered with goods from Tibet.
6.      Casting (lugzo)
Another kind of sculpture is the so-called “bronze” images, which require specific techniques: wax casting and sand casting. These images are of deities and religious figures and the techniques originated from the Newari craftsmen of Kathmandu.
Wax casting or lost waste casting is more time consuming than sand-casting where a non-permanent rough sand mould is used. In both case the finishing of ornaments and details are done by hand. A good caster has to be skilled in drawing, sculpturing, casting, welding, carving and polishing. Many great religious figures used to cast images and ritual objects.
7.      Embroidery (Tshemzo)
Embroidery and appliqué (patchwork) were traditionally the craft of men with a religious background as these techniques were used essentially for religious or royal textiles. The technique of embroidery came from China via Tibet and was used for banners and ceremonial clothes.
Today girls are taught embroidery and appliqué in the 13 Arts & Crafts School (“Zorig Chusum School”) in Thimphu.
8.      Textiles (Thagzo)
Textiles were woven almost exclusively by women. They are made of silk, cotton and wool yarns and can be plain or highly decorated. After a long hand-made vegetal dying process, or the purchase of ready-made threads, they are woven on back strap looms or on pedal looms. The most spectacular weave called Kishuthara includes the brocade technique.
Each pattern and color combination has a specific name and the motives have symbolic meanings. The best weavers came from the East and North-east of the country. They wove, in their spare time, for their family and to pay the textile tax. Nowadays, in urban centres, women have taken up weaving as a profession as there is a market and some men have joined them. The Textile Museum and academy in Thimphu is raising the profile of Bhutanese textiles and is a great encouragement for the weavers
9.      Carpentry (Shingzo)
Carpenters owned their lands. They were called by the government to work on fortresses or monasteries or by their neighbors to work on a new house when necessary. The carpenter was also the architect and knew how to calculate the proportions of a house plan and measure. Assistants could help the carpenter. All the woodwork, beams, pillars, roof rafters and window frames were made on the ground and then set “readymade” in the building. Each piece had a special technical name and some carpenters used to keep a notebook but drawings were not common.
10. Masonry (Dozo)
Cutting and dressing the stones was a special craft practiced by skilled labor but the masons were under the supervision of the carpenter who acted as the architect. It is still the same today. Besides stones for the walls, which come into four different shapes according to their use, masons also prepare flat stones for the courtyards.
11. Bamboo weaving (Tsharzo)
Cane and bamboo products always complemented wood and pottery as domestic items. Villagers living near bamboo groves (the bamboos thrive up to an altitude of 3000m) cut, split, dry and weave the bamboos, especially to make fencing for the fields or roofs mats for temporary sheds. Domestic items such as plates, baskets, quivers, sieves, alcohol containers were woven in semi-tropical regions and villagers used both the outer and inner layers of the bamboo.
12. Gold/Silver Smithy (Trozo)
Goldsmiths were attached to large monasteries and to the Royal Family’s courts and used to do work on request for other people in their spare time. Their work included lay objects like ornaments, betel boxes, teapots, offering plates, and religious objects: musical and ritual instruments, butter-lamps, offering cups and plates, and ewers.

13. Blacksmithy (Garzo)
Bhutan was known to have iron ore in Paro and in the East, prompting the great Tibetan religious figure Thangton Gyelpo (1385-1464) to come to Bhutan for iron. He is known to have built several iron chain bridges. The blacksmiths, besides making agricultural tools, were famous for their skills in making chains amours, daggers, knifes and different kind of swords. Swords had a name according to their location and maker’s name.