Shingkhar Lauri

 Most of us think of Shingkhar Lauri as if it are one village, one community. And certainly, the impression has been that the community is the source of many domestic help and ‘baby-sitters.’

Shingkhar is under Merak Gewog, Tashigang whereas Lauri is under Lauri Gewog in Samdrup Jongkhar. Except for one hut, there is no settlement in Shingkhar. It is in fact a pasture for herders of Merak and Sakteng. There used to be a settlement once but people have moved back to Merak and Sakteng. The immediate village next to Shingkhar is Khashiteng. Almost two days away on foot from Merak, there are about 12 households. The first village in the picture is Khashiteng. The next village that you see is Phaju Gonpa. A stream separates these two villages. Phaju Gonpa is under Lauri Gewog. Lauri Gewog centre is located at a beautiful place called Jompa, but Lauri village is further below.

Lauri is corrupted form of Lawa ri, a pool of blue sheep (Lawa). A lama known as Lam Jarepa, who along with Aum Jomo is said to have led the people of Merak and Sakteng from Tshona in Tibet, once saw a blue sheep drinking from a pool of water. Hence the name Lawa ri.

Lauri is a very poor Gewog in terms of modern development perspective. Road will reach Jompa by next year. Electricity will be there soon. Lauri Primary School is one of the first schools in the country.

Lauri is a very huge Gewog. A variety of cereals grow. The river is endowed with a unique species of fish. Various species of orchids grow all over. It is spiritually a very vibrant community with many temples, practitioners and monastic centers.

Merak, Sakteng, Shingkhar Lauri, Serthi etc belong to one cultural area. The common denominator of this community hood is the propitiation of Aum Jomo and associated rituals. Hence the name Jomo Tsangkha for Daifam Dungkhag, under which the are three gewogs: Lauri, Serthi and Langchenphu.

Copied From Dasho Sonam Kinga's Wordpress from 7 years ago