Trip to Shali, Pemagatshel

On dated 12th January, 2018. Shali is a village under Gammung chewog in Pemagatshel Dzongkhag which was situated in Shali. It's 10 km away from the main road of Pemagatshel and usually they celebrate their annual Tshechu/festival once in the year. 

Trip to Gonpawoong, Pemagatshel

On dated 7th January, 2017. The trip made to Pemagatshel, Gonpawoong village to witness the local annual Tshechu/festival. The lunch was awsome on Banana leaf plate, this plate was used in formal times around in 1950's, places like Pemagatshel, Samdrup Jongkhar and Zhemgang Dzongkhag. The village like Gonpawoong in Pemagatshel Dzongkhag even today they preserve there own culture and traditional as during question and answer section with community Tshogpa in Gonpawoong Village. The other community village like Gammung, Shali, Gomchu and Nangkor all the lacal Mask dance originated from Gonpawoong Village and later popular for those village as mentioned by teacher of Mask Dance in Gonpawoong Village.

Merak and Sakten Trekking Route

Trekking Route of Merak and Sakten, which start from Chaling and ends at Phongmey in between the highest range like Nakchungla 4153m.